Plumbing Troubleshoot / Repair call
One on-site visit Repair Tech I or higher to provide the following:
Determine where leak is coming from.
Look over general hydraulics to determine best way to fix.
Determine if new valve or unions will be needed to repair leak
Provide estimate of amount of labor and materials needed to fix.
Includes up to 1/2 hour of plumbing time on-site if no specialized parts are needed (PVC materials billed at additional cost).
For specific estimate a picture sent to the repair department can help give more exact pricing prior to going to the job site.
Our General Plumbing labor rate is $89 per hour billable in 15 minute increments. If on the first call we determine we need specialized parts and do not have what is needed to continue repair on that visit, then a return trip is needed. That return call is billed at our hourly rate with a credit of 15 minutes on the repair time. For example, if we charged you $79 to go out to your site and needed a special part and was at your site only 15 minutes then we needed to come back and do 45 minutes worth of plumbing you would only be billed an additional $44.50 plus parts for that return trip because you only needed 1/2 hour more labor total.
Guarantee: We fully guarantee all of our plumbing up to 90 days from date of repair. In the event of a leak from one of the joints that we plumbed we will fix or will re-plumb that section if needed.
We do not cover heat damage from the pump running dry. This is very obvious as the threads going into the pump will appear loose because the heat warped the threads.
We do not cover damage to plumbing caused by the heat from a pool heater. It is critical that pool heaters be shut down 5 minutes prior to the filter pump being shut down. If not all the heat in the heater will warp the plumbing on the outlet pipe of the heater.