Pool Services
Pool Maintenance, Pool Supplies at 3 retail stores, and Repairs Available!
We offer weekly pool service and repairs for our customers in a limited area in; Elk Grove, and the South Sacramento area.
We pride ourselves in having excellent knowledge and we approach your pool or it's problems the way we would if it were our own.​
New Customer?
​Prior to starting weekly service, we require a full equipment evaluation. We have found in 25+ years of service that many sign up because the pool has been difficult to care for. The evaluation helps us improve our service by discovering any issues the equipment might have that would otherwise go unnoticed until the next filter cleaning. To continue providing the highest quality service, we will spend up to an hour:

$119 Value!
Inspecting interior of the cartridge filter system and cleaning of cartridges (D.E. filters require an extra charge for cleaning).
Inspecting and lubricating pump and filter o-rings
Checking for proper use of the main drain and skimmer.
Verifying proper flow in the system.
Verifying pool sweep is working properly.
Full 6 chemical tests on water condition.
Checking for visual leaks or possible water loss.
​This evaluation is waived on new filtration systems & new pools.
This is not the same as a freshwater startup which is designed for pools that have been replastered.